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Written by Savi, 13 Comments

Remember what I said about making up Bucket Lists as I go along? THIS is how it goes. I had no clue I wanted a helicopter ride to be part of my bucket list but a 20 minute ride with The London Helicopter later, I’m obsessed with the idea of gallivanting around the world in a chopper 🙂


london helicopter review
A helicopter ride in London. Image Courtesy – The London Helicopter


One fine weekend, we found ourselves at the London Heliport for a ride in a helicopter. I love extreme roller coasters, so I was really looking forward to the experience. A short briefing later, Vid and I got into a shiny chopper. We were instructed to strap on our safety vests and put on noise-cancelling headphones and microphone which can be used to talk to other passengers – how cool. That’s when the real fun started – the blades of the helicopter started spinning at a furious pace and off we went.


london helicopter review
London from above. Image courtesy : The London Helicopter


london helicopter review
The twists and turns on a helicopter ride are so much fun. Image courtesy- The London Helicopter


The helicopter’s take off and landing are a tad bumpier that regular aircrafts. Going from ground level to 1200 ft in seconds was akin to sitting in a roller coaster ride. Other than that our 20 minute flight was really smooth. We felt like we were on our own magic flying carpet gliding through the clouds. Let’s face it, who doesn’t want one of those? 😉


Our convivial pilot pointed out all the prominent landmarks but I think I wasn’t really listening. I was too busy marvelling at how different they city I’ve grown to love looks from above. I spied the Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace in all their resplendent glory, the London Ferry transporting dozens of passengers across the Thames, excited tourists at The London Eye, milling crowds at Trafalgar Square, spring colours at Greenwich Park, and so much more.


We took off from the London Heliport in West London and flew all the way to East London, following the meandering Thames river. To call it exhilarating would be an understatement – The London Helicopter is probably the most unique way to experience London. It’s the perfect way to escape the humdrum of everyday life. There’s only one complaint I have – it was too short. If I had my way, I would be in that helicopter for hours 🙂 Now sit back, relax, and enjoy these aerial images of our favourite city in the world !


london helicopter review
The Buckingham Palace from above


london helicopter review
It’s hard not to fall in love with London


London helicopter review
London from above – it was a cloudy day but we’re not complaining!


London Helicopter London Eye
Aah! The London Eye and Big Ben


London Helicopter East London
Spot the O2 and London City Airport ?


London Helicopter Tower Bridge
The Tower Bridge and Shard


London helicopter review
Can you tell we had fun? 🙂


Ok now who is gifting us a chopper for our travels? We promise to pull all sorts of stunts mid-air and send you photos. All you generous ‘uns, please stand up 😉


Have you ever been on a helicopter? What was your experience?


  • A helicopter ride over London is definitely a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience.
  • A helicopter ride, especially take off and landing, is bumpier than a regular aeroplane. It might not be for you if you’re scared of heights or prone to dizziness/air sickness.
  • A 20 minute ride with The London Helicopter costs £199/person. There are usually 4-6 people in a group.  You can also opt for a private helicopter ride to celebrate a really special occasion. The London Helicopter frequently have special discounts and promotions. Keep an eye out for them 🙂
  • More information on their website



Are you on a budget? Don’t forget to check out our favourite, free things to do in London 🙂

Want more bucket-list worthy experiences. Here are some of our favourite experiences from around the world

If you’re fond of offbeat, quirky experiences, check out ALL our favourite things to do in London

Hankering for the BEST COFFEE in London? As self-confessed coffee geeks, we just have to suggest favourites 🙂





We were guests of The London Helicopter. We are two extremely opinionated ninjas – so all views (good and bad) are entirely our own. Click on to read our full Disclosure Policy

13 thoughts on “An exhilarating ride with The London Helicopter :-)

  1. Fab article and photo’s, Sav n Vid! Wish we’d thought of doing this when we were in London. We absolutely loved our three days there last year, but it was so short, rather like your heli ride! We hope to return and this time will definitely check out the London Helicopter! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hey Deborah – 3 days is definitely too short for London. Do check out our list of Offbeat Things To Do in London if you ever make it back to the city 🙂

  2. Love the pictures ! It must be so amazing to fly over a city like London in a chopper. Can’t wait to try it out 🙂

  3. Looks amazing! I had no idea I wanted to do a helicopter ride either until we did one over the Great Barrier Reef. I got to sit up front with the pilot (on the strict promise I wouldn’t touch any of the controls), and the view was sensational! Like being in a goldfish bowl, but looking out on the most incredible vistas. Definitely an amazing experience – so glad you enjoyed yours in London! 🙂

    1. We love your description of a chopper as a goldfish bowl – yes, yes, yes! 🙂 A bird’s eye view of the Great Barrier Reef must’ve been sensational – aah!!

  4. I lvoe Helicopters! I am scared of flying and actually find helicopters less scary than planes – it is a different feeling and none of that horrible tilting you get on planes with take off. I have done helicopter rides over the Grand Canyon and an active volcano in Hawaii and loved the birds eye views.

    1. Yay Katie, so we’re not alone. Good to hear you love choppers too. Btw we love the sound of both those helicopter rides – would absolutely love to experience Hawaii that way 🙂

  5. Helicopter rides are awesome. The smaller the chopper is the more bumpier the ride. Best place to take some aerial pics and that to the best ones. Lovely & informative post.

    1. Thanks Laks – it was a fun experience indeed. Will opt for an even smaller chopper the next time and report back 😉

  6. Growing up with a Dad in the Army, I was lucky enough to experience lots of fun Helicopter rides, I can imagine one over London would be incredible though!

    I was also lucky enough to fly a plane once, now that’s an experience worth doing!

    Katie <3

    1. Katie how exciting is that- we would love to go for regular Helicopter rides and flying a plane would be a dream come true 🙂

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