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Written by Savi, 50 Comments

Iceland is majestic but unpredictable and that’s what makes it special. We’ve been to our fair share of countries but we can safely say Iceland is like NO other country in the world. If there was one word we could use to describe it, it would have to be EPIC. Iceland is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and here’s why :-




Reasons To Visit Iceland
A volcanic crater in the distance with cotton candy clouds 🙂




Reasons To Visit Iceland
Picnic spots like this make that boring sandwich a LOT of fun 🙂





Reasons To Visit Iceland
The water spray from Iceland’s countless waterfalls forms gigantic rainbows. Here is one originating at the Selfoss waterfall





Reasons To Visit Iceland
Elves are Icelandic Royalty. Most houses and farms have a small house in the garden for Huldufólk to unwind (Hidden people). Aww





Reasons To Visit Iceland-
Hundreds of mini icebergs floating in a glacial lagoon at Jökulsárlón




Reasons To Visit Iceland
Icelandic horses have some serious swag. Look at these things of beauty- aah!




Reasons To Visit Iceland-
Snowcapped mountains, calm waters, hundreds of wild flowers, and a cottage just for you 🙂





Reasons To Visit Iceland-
A small waterfall overlooking one of Iceland’s most famous mountains, Kirkjufell





Reasons To Visit Iceland
Grjótagjá – A natural warm spring inside a lava cave in the Myvatn area. This could be your bathtub even if it’s snowing outside 🙂





Reasons To Visit Iceland
Neon greenery, flaming red lava rocks, and a turquoise lake inside a volcanic crater at Lake Kerid. The best part is, we were the only ones around to savour this beauty


One thing is for sure – Iceland makes you feel at one with nature in a way you’ve never felt before. Its diverse landscapes emanate a special feeling that is hard to put in words or capture in photos.  Just compiling this photo essay made us feel all warm and fuzzy  🙂

And if these photos weren’t enough to convince you to pack your bags and head to Iceland, then this video diary of our trip sure will 🙂



Tempted to plan an epic road trip in Iceland ? Check out our posts before you go 🙂 We’ve covered every aspect – accommodation, packing, driving, shopping – of planning an unforgettable Icelandic road trip. Go, go, go

Read Part 1  The Ultimate Road Trip in Iceland : An Itinerary (opens in a new tab)

Read Part 2 – Accommodation : Where To Stay on your Icelandic Road Trip (opens in new tab)

Read Part 3 – Travel Fashion – What to pack for a Road Trip in Iceland (opens in new tab)

 Read Part 4– How much will that Road Trip in Iceland cost (opens in new tab)


50 thoughts on “10 Reasons To Visit Iceland (In Photos!)

  1. Amazing photos guys! I’ve wanted to visit Iceland for a while now and these photos just make me want to go even more 🙂

    1. Hehe Shikha I hear you – Vid is incredibly patient with his camera. He takes his time to frame the perfect shot et al. Me? I get impatient within seconds 😉

    1. Thanks Sonal – we could have put 40 more photos there without exhausting our stash. Iceland can be really pretty 🙂

  2. Great photos guys! I’m going back to Iceland at the end of September and it can’t come soon enough! My objective of the trip is to clap eyes on Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon – my mouth drops every time I see photos of it!

    1. Shing, can we just say we’re totally jealous. Jökulsárlón was pretty spectacular. But the Myvatn area was our favourite – don’t miss it for the world 🙂

  3. The pictures are drool worthy…once again. This is beyond my imagination thoroughly beautiful, can’t wait to experience this in person

  4. these photos are deadly amazing !!!! its just the same as u guys posted !!! terribly want to go to Iceland after seeing these heavenly photos !!! 🙂

  5. I definitely didn’t need this to give me a reason to visit Iceland – it’s alreaddy on my bucket list! These photos just made me long to go even more. I just want to be able to go for long enough to do the visit justice! Not my usual 3 or 4 day mini-break taking minimal time off from work. I’d love to spend at least a fortnight there. It looks incredible. And these photos are simply stunning.

    1. Thanks Katie – glad you enjoyed perusing the photos. I think you need to fork out at least 10-15 days to do Iceland justice. 3-4 days is just too short. You will be able to drive around the entire Ring Road if you want 2 weeks at hand 🙂

    1. Yep, all of it 🙂 Iceland is perfect for nature lovers – there are surreal panoramas on offer at every corner

  6. Technically I was already convinced to travel to Iceland but now after looking at these amazing photos I want to go right now. It truly is such an incredible country like nowhere else on earth.

    1. Jen we’re on a mission to send everyone to Iceland (in case you hadn’t realised yet 😉 ). Hope you get there soon – you will love it

    1. Hey Brian – we used our Nikon D80 for all these photos. We did take a waterproof Go Pro with us as well and used it during our Glacier Hike, while hiking around Iceland’s waterfalls, and caving inside a volcano. It might be a good idea to carry a waterproof camera or waterproof casing for your regular camera if you’re planning to do any of those things 🙂

  7. WOW, absolutely amazing pictures, its my dream to visit Iceland one day and to see the northern lights, and this has just made me more determined thank you 🙂

    1. Eileen you’ll have a great time in Iceland since you’re a keen photographer too 🙂 Happy Travels

  8. Hey your pictures do look photoshopped, In fact I am pretty sure they are! Little confused about Vids bio which says he doesn’t photoshop pictures. Or is that an inside joke because he goes overboard? 😀

    1. Hey Nad,

      Haha ! It’s not a joke – I have just started playing around with the Lightroom software (I think Photoshop is too complex and time consuming for me) – just to adjust the exposure/contrast slightly and bring out the subtle details that the camera’s processing software cannot. The bio needs to be updated we just haven’t got the chance 🙂

      These pictures from Iceland were the first batch that I tried to post-process in LR – clearly I need to understand the tool better and invest more time in it – I wish there were 50 hours in a day 😉


    1. Thanks Aleah- well you can’t swim at the lava cave but you can get in for a quick soak. It’s amazing 🙂

  9. I have been to Iceland last year, it’s an amazing country !
    Your photos are absolutely stunning, wow.

    Great list ! All good reasons to go back one day 🙂

  10. Your love of the natural beauty inspires us to travel from San Diego to experience all that you did. Thank you for this very useful and joyful site.

    1. Hey Lorie,

      Thanks for the beautiful comment – We hope you enjoy Iceland as much as we did. Do let us know how it goes 🙂

      Safe travels!

  11. I was there last week. Simply amazing! Ice caves, glaciers, volcanoes, black beaches, waterfalls! ~Everything is so amazing. In complete awe!

  12. Love the holiday breakdown and visuals! Northern Lights…have to do them before they fade significantly after 2017. Are you aware of some key viewing spots less than 2hr drive from Reykjavik? Also, between Oct-April, which month would you consider the best option to do a 5-8day excursion? Would you Airbnb or hotel it? Any tips from the experts are awesome 🙂 Thanks for sharing your adventure!

    1. Hey Andrea,

      You’ll definitely find some great spots to view Northern Lights just an hour’s drive out of Reykjavik. You just need to be in a dark area, that’s it. the area around Skogafoss in the south should be good to spot Northern Lights. If you have 5-8 days, I’d suggest going in either November or Feb – your chances of seeing Northern Lights are high and the days are longer giving you enough time to drive 🙂

      Hope that helps

  13. Hey, What is the best time to visit Iceland?
    I was looking for packages from India and could hardly find any 🙁
    If you could share any leads it would be of great help!
    Keep touring!!

    1. Hey Sucheta – summer months are great for a road trip (June-September) and winter months are perfect for Northern Lights (November – February)

  14. beautiful shots guys! I’m all set to plan a trip to iceland 🙂 One quick question- my husband and I are vegetarian. How tough will it be for us to find food? Not fancy food/some crazy cuisine list, just the basic sandwich, pizza ,salad to survive iceland, any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hey

      You can always stop at Supermarkets and stock up on vegetarian food – there is plenty of options don’t worry. Have a great time in Iceland 🙂

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