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Written by Savi, 26 Comments

Savi’s away at an academic conference this week, so I was told to update The Wears at Bruised Passports. Originally we had a photo essay on our favourite outfits in mind. Of course, that was before I thought I’d turn that concept on its head and have some fun with The Wears.

You’ve seen Savi looking fit at a dozens of locations across the world. But did you know half of her outfits don’t even make it to The Wears. Want to know why? Read on to find out my Top 5 reasons for some of Savi’s outfits not making it to the Wears:


#1 A Giggle and Then Some

Those of us who know Savi find it amusing (to no end) that readers of our blog think she’s poised. Beware internet friends, Savi is a giggle bomb just waiting to explode. It’s a task for her to stand still, without bursting into a laugh. Laughing might be the short road to happy, but it’s bad for outfit shots. Take a look:

UK Fashion Blog

UK Fashion BlogPerfect location for outfit shots but Savi’s too busy doubling in laughter 


#2 Savi’s distracted

Remember when we both went to Prague? I wasn’t kidding when I said Savi has the attention span of a 5 year old. This is what happens when there is an ex-soviet gun or (god forbid) some candy in the vicinity. Outfit shots? Errr what are those?

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UK Fashion blog


 #3 The Book is at fault

Savi wasn’t lying when she called herself a nerd. She’s only the biggest bookworm EVER and is perpetually poring over books even on holiday. Cars, beaches, pools – they never seem to leave her side

UK Fashion Blog

UK Fashion Blog


#4 The Weird Bunny Jump Thing

If you’ve been reading Bruised Passports for a while, you would know about our extensive collection of jumping photos. Who cares about outfit shots when you can have weird jumping-jack photos? Not Savi, definitely not Savi, haha!!

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UK Fashion Blog


#5 The Last Resort

When there’s nothing to distract her, Savi is known to paint animal whiskers on herself. It might have been for a fancy-dress party, but whiskers – seriously?

UK Fashion Blog



So there you have it – whoever said it was easy to shoot outfit posts was lying!!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. For some lovely outfits, check out our Beautiful Wears Collection.Leave a comment below at the risk of incurring Savi’s wrath 😉


Order shall be restored to The Wears soon – outfit posts will resume next week.




26 thoughts on “Vid does the Wears

  1. Adorable. This might be my favourite ‘The Wears’ column 🙂 [Which I can safely say because I’m sure Savi would be too busy getting mad at Vid to get offended by my comment] But no, seriously, you guys are fabulous! Every post on this blog is an absolute delight. Looking forward to more and more.

    1. Thanks Amiya – I’m determined to pen a “Vid does the Wears – Part II” now 😉 Hope you continue to enjoy Bruised Passports. Suggestions are always welcome.

  2. Pee your pants funny!! Could I like you guys any more? Nope! So cute and I look forward to those jumping photos! Move over Brangelina, Bennifer and Posh and Becks. Savi and Vid are going to take over the world.

  3. Been reading your blog regularly but just been too lazy to comment! I love the wears but this has to be my favourite! Cant wait for part 2!


    1. Thanks Surabhi – I will definitely show Savi your comment when I need to bribe/blackmail her into writing Part 2 😉

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