Hola internet friends 🙂
Over the past year and a half we’ve written a couple of personal posts (We answered all your questions and Savi wrote a monologue on turning 30), so we thought we would begin 2015 with yet another one of them. Savi’s travelling alone at the minute, so it’s the perfect opportunity to spill the beans on the dirty facts you don’t know about her and all the nice things you don’t know about me 😉
If you’ve been reading Bruised Passports for a while, you would know both of us like packing light, I need good coffee and my camera to function normally. Savi loves colour, books (the more, the merrier!) and has a serious soft spot for indie and ambient electronic music. She also needs a steady supply of long bear hugs or she deteriorates into a grump ball.
But here are the 10 facts you don’t know about us 🙂
1) Savi loves cooking
Savi dishes the yummiest food EVER and loves experimenting with different cuisines. We usually take turns at cooking during the week but Savi takes to the kitchen with a vengeance anytime she’s stressed because she finds cooking therapeutic. No wonder I came home to 3 course meals everyday during the most stressful phases of her PhD – can.not.complain! 😉

2) My superhuman abilities include never saying no to food
If one loves cooking, the other one has gotta like eating right? Fortunately for us, I LOVE eating.Don’t be fooled by my lean physique (or so I would like to believe haah!) – I can never say no to food. I love everything from beef steaks to smoothies but I have a serious weakness for Thai food and cheese (Cheddar, Emmental, Gouda – you name it!)

3) Savi’s pet peeve
It’s very hard to get Savi riled up – she’s a happy person. But there are things that bug her to no end and slow wi fi is one of them. She’s happy without an internet connection but slow internet? Oh no!! She has an irrational fear of internet connections where she can’t stream videos, watch a movie, upload photos on the blog, and read an article or two all at once. Cue sentences like ‘I wanna throw my Macbook out of this window’, ‘Can’t we reset the router again?’ and long grunts – haha!! 🙂

4) Obsession much?
You might know I’m a coffee geek. I usually buy green beans, roast them, and grind them at home. Over the years I’ve experimented with dozens of blends and developed a deep-rooted love for Colombian beans. I love the smell of well-roasted coffee beans and can distinguish between beans from different regions with closed eyes – yep, I’m not proud of it 😉

5) Savi’s a crybaby!
Savi might be Bruised Passports’ giggler-in-residence (that’s a thing, did you not know?!) but she’s the biggest crybaby EVER. It doesn’t end there. She never cries in front of strangers, only in front of people she really REALLY loves. You know what that means – Sid (her brother!) and I are the lucky ones – we get to experience the waterworks ever so often. Such a good life 😉

6) The sporty stuff
You guys know I’m obsessed with travelling to new countries but did you know I love playing cricket and football? I used to play cricket in school and represented Singapore’s national cricket team. It just doesn’t stop at cricket though – football and I have quite the history. I used to play for a club in Singapore and although that stopped when we moved to UK six years ago, the physical act of playing was replaced by countless hours spent in front of the TV watching Barclays Premiere League matches week in & week out. Add some amazing friends and tons of beer to the equation, and you have the perfect recipe for a great British evening out 🙂

7) Our most forgotten item on holiday?
People forget toothbrushes, swimwear, and sunscreen but we always forget to pack a comb on holiday. I have only Savi to blame. She claims she hates preened hairstyles but this bohemian wild child business is all an elaborate facade for laziness, I tell ya! 😉

8) Things that make her go ‘Grrr…’
As I said, Savi is the least confrontational being on the planet and it’s hard to make her furious. But she gets REALLY worked up when people resort to stereotypes or express homophobic and/or patriarchal sentiments. A lecture on warped stereotypes and cultural conditioning usually follows.
Known triggers include sentences like “every girl waits her entire life to plan her wedding”, “let’s buy a doll for their baby girl”, “boys love their fast cars”, or “That’s such a gay thing to say”.
Now you know exactly what to say if you ever want to get into her good books – err NOT! 😉

9) Divide and Conquer
Did you know we work like clockwork when we’re planning a trip? We decide on a country together. Savi chalks out the itinerary, looks up fun places to stay, and loads our ipod with music for road trips. I’m in-charge of applying for visas, making sure our paper work is in order, renting cars on holiday, and researching about the best restaurants and street food haunts (did you not read point #2 😉 )

10) Our (not so) secret baby
The thought of having a baby (or even a pet!) always scared us because it would mean metamorphosing into responsible mature adults. Then we conceived our crazy baby – Bruised Passports.
We’re both control freaks, so our little space on the interweb takes a lot of work – more than you could possibly imagine! Such a demanding baby this one 😉 We spend over 100 hours a week making sure little elves run this website seamlessly – everything from selecting and resizing photos, curating photos on social media channels multiple times a day, writing articles that are relevant yet interesting, responding to comments and emails, and maintaining the website itself. Don’t even get us started on the time it takes to conceptualise campaigns, shoot photos, or hone articles. But we love every bit of it.
Occasionally we squabble over it, we go through phases of not being motivated enough to pen lengthy accounts of our travels, we grumble about the long hours, and then we read your comments and your feedback, and they bring the biggest smiles to our faces. You guys ALWAYS brighten up our day with your comments and we love having you along for the journey 🙂

Did you enjoy reading this article? Leave a comment if you want us to write more personal posts – don’t forget to leave one fun/weird fact about yourself in the comments below. We’d love to know more about you too 🙂
Want to know even more about us?
- Read 10 Things You Don’t Know About Us Part 2
- Check out Who Are Savi and Vid 🙂
- We answered all YOUR questions in this post
- Savi wrote about her goals in life in this post
- Subscribe to Bruised Passports’ You Tube channel and follow our adventures around the world
Oh my, Savi’s cooking skills look amaze!!
Recipes please 🙂
Hehe – cooking with Bruised Passports? 😉
much love to u guyss <3 !!! well written .. m not into reading much but i loved reading it !! m amazed that how can a text be sooo well written !! amazing photos !!! Savi's cooking skills may be great but she has got the best dressing skills int he world !!! 😀 . enough said !!! 😉
Aww thanks Kushagr – I need to show your comment to Savi. It’ll definitely make her feel better about all her secrets being out in the open 😉
Ohhhh this ismarschmellowsweetness! You are SO salt&pepper, chocolate&coffee! A trully inspiration!
I wish you and your (not secret) baby a lot of happiness, and I hope I get to hang out with you soon!
We love you and CANNOT wait to see you – 2015 will be the year we meet 🙂
Just love reading more about you, and would love to see more personal blogs like this around how you look at life, how you adapt to change and anything and everything you wana share with us from your personal space. 🙂
Just wanted to tell you, whenever I feel little stressed or demotivated (right now feeling a bit stressed) I come and read your stories and the honesty in your words brings smile on my face and just makes me feel so good. Thank you for existing and sharing things with us! Love you both lots!
Also one fun/weird fact about me, I love dancing so much that I can start dancing literally anywhere, in train or while riding or walking anything literally 😂💫
Vid, this is such a fun and touching post. I loved knowing little details about you guys but I also loved the way you know Savi so well. Wish you guys lotsa love and best of luck for the baby. Muuaah..
Thanks Surabhi – so glad you enjoyed reading it. We’ve known each other for 17 years now, so I could probably pen Part II and Part III as well 😉
Hey guys..love u even more!! Seems we can have endless chats if ever we get a chance to meet!! Let me know whenever u r coming to Delhi next, it would be exciting if u could come n stay with us!!
Aww thanks Shipra – that’s very generous of you. We should definitely meet – we might just arrange a meet-up in Delhi this year 🙂
You guys are the cutest. And would love to know more about you two through such posts. Keep it coming 🙂
Thanks Jaseema – another personal post is in the pipeline 🙂
lovely! how colorful, healthy, and happy! loved the article. fun facts. feeling all happy, positive , and inspired after reading.. please keep writing!!
🙂 love!
Thanks Tanu – your comment made us really happy too 🙂
WOAH! Savi’s had got some mad cooking skills!
∞ tanvii.com ∞
Haha thanks Tanvi – I do love rustling up a pretty meal in the kitchen 😀
awesomely write up!
am new here..but loved it already
Thanks Haya – I hope you stick around for a long long time 🙂
Oh my God, this was such a fun post to read! Love knowing these little facts about u guys… I can so relate to the cooking-is-a-stressbuster thing 🙂
BTW, I saw your Iceland video and that was the best of you guys, I must say. Simply brilliant and u made me wanna pack a bag to Iceland right away! 🙂
Thanks a ton Ramya – I’m officially handing over the writing at Bruised Passports to Vid after this post 😉 Iceland is so gorgeous – did you watch our Finland video too?
Am an old reader but never left comments. You guys are simply adorable. Love you both, and this blog is real sweets.
Aww thanks a ton Sohini – we loved hearing from you. Comments from old readers always make our day 🙂
Hehe, I actually did dream about a perfect wedding for much of my life 😀 Though as in true travel blogger stylee, when the moment finally came, I was far more excited about the honeymoon!!
Hehe Shikha I have nothing against girls who dream of perfect weddings, I’m just wary of the impulse to group all womankind under one homogenous umbrella 🙂 Where did you go for your honeymoon?
You guys are so adorable! Always love going through your travel diaries and Savi’s big smile! 🙂
Aww thank you so much 🙂 Much love
That was a great post, thanks for sharing! Really interesting and gives a lovely insight in to you both
Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Aw, I loved this post! It was great to get to know you both better by reading it. Savi’s cooking looks amazing. And combs are over-rated! 🙂
Aw, I loved this post! It was great to get to know you both better by reading it. Savi’s cooking looks amazing. And combs are over-rated! 🙂
Hehe good to know there’s someone else out there who thinks combs are overrated – you’re my soul sister Christine 😉
You have an amazing blog. Great job!!
Thanks a ton – loved reading all your comments 🙂
You have an amazing blog. I lob all your posts. Great job!
Thanks a million 🙂
Wow! What amazing cooking skills Savi!
Hehe thanks Ankita 🙂 I do love putting together a nice meal in the kitchen
I just love your blog and loved this post!
Very well written…wish I could get a guy like you 😉
bless you both…and keep such stuff coming!
Aww thanks Shelly – your comment means the world. Here’s to amazing boyfriends and partners eh 🙂
Loved this blog post!! SO much better to know you both more! Feels like m friends with you guys already :P:P
Keep ’em coming!!
Thanks Rashmi 🙂 Of course, we’re friends :-*
Wow! That’s some mean cooking skills Savi’s got! And coffee lover Vid, I am sure my hubby will identify with you. 🙂 That’s one fact about him…both of us are perfectionists and can be very critical about each other…lol! That means lots and lots of pet peeves 😛
Hey Ria – critical is always good, makes one strive for perfection eh 😉
You too couple are so very cute. 😀
I wish me and my girlfriend have a sweetness like your,
i would suggest you make a blog for a good relationship.
And once you’ve done im the first one who read that blog. haha
anyway thanks for your sharing stuff like this.
keep it great ! 🙂
Aww Aijika that’s the sweetest thing we’ve heard in a while. We wish you and your girlfriend all the happiness in the world 🙂
You guys are cute 🙂 and Man you cook amazing! I am hungry 😛
Thanks a ton Vidhi – I LOVE to cook 🙂
l love knowing Lil details abt u guys..such a happy n passionate couple n really hopelessly in love too…I wud lv to travel to different place through ur eyes n experience things through you…stay blessed n stay happy…
Thanks a ton Honey 🙂 We’ll definitely pen another personal post sometime soon
Hi Savi/Vid…u guys are living my fantasy! Hope your wonderful journey never ends! Will be following you’ll wherever u’l go…virtually, of course! 😉
Thanks for all the love Manasi – we’re looking forward to having you along for the ride 🙂
Hi, What an interesting read and very real! Very happy to come across Bruised Passports. actually I was part of Savi’s tutorial class during MA in Venky college. she is a remarkable teacher and amicable too. so I am doubly glad to know more bt my teacher.
Awww thanks Urvashi 🙂
You guys make my day. every morning i wake up and read at least one post on Bruised Passports before getting outta bed. It’s amazing that a person who is so busy takes out time and cooks so yumm food. It is very touching that you guys know each other so so well. I jus hope you guys keep travelling and stay healthy and happy forever……and keep writing posts. I’m a fan of Vid’s photography btw. My dream is to take pics as stunning as Vid captures…
Dear Sindhu,
So sorry for the late reply – we have not been blessed with good internet the last 2 months (no complaints ;-)) Your comment made our day – thank you so much. We hope you will continue to read about our adventures and enjoy Vid’s photography, for there are a million more pictures to come 😉
I love getting comments as well – it makes it all worth it!
Also, you were talking about eating each other’s cooking, but eating my way around the world is one of my favorites!
The commentluv button isn’t working, but this is my most recent post – http://visit50.com/bocas-del-toro-panama-island-hopping/
Such a fun post!!! You guys are oh-so-adorable + insanely inspiring! Lots of love
Thanks Charu 🙂
Just came across your blog today and withing 30 minutes fell in love with you guys and the blog. I am going to keep an avid eye on this and use loads of tips and tricks for my next trip to Prague, Budapest, Vienna and Salzburg in December. Keep rocking guys!!!
Hey Suheil,
So happy to hear that 🙂 Hope you continue to enjoy reading our blog.
Keep going guys… Live it up
I thoroughly enjoy your travels. In a way I am ‘living’ my dream through ‘bruised passports’
Savi and Vid…
You Guys provide some serious inspiration to peeps out side so whenever the long hours get to you just think of how much everyone looks forward to everything you post!!! You all have no idea that after I accidentally stumbled onto your blog I have ensured that my entire circle of friends and family and acquaintance and anyone I know with even a slight wanderlust has been asked to follow you guys and your adventures…I admire and Love you guys…You 2 are ADORBS!!!!
That is the sweetest message we have received in the longest time – you are right, just reading this message puts such huge smiles on our faces 🙂
Wow… What food! Yum! I love Savi so much after this post. Offcourse, I love you too Vids. How about adopting a traveling kid like me. I promise, I will be a good child 😛
Hehe thank Deepika – welcome to our ever-expanding family 😉 Savi does dish up some scrumptious food 🙂
Please Adopt me also. as your Child .. 😛 😉
Come along for the ride Sukhpreet, seriously! 😀
Loved reading this post,…. Love you both,…
Thanks a million Shilpa – lovely hearing from you 😀
I know Savi Mam since my college days(venky). Used to adore her dressing style that time more of Fab India Sarees and the way she carried herself. During lectures she used to take maximum attention:p
Since the time Bruised Passport started i have been following it. All the travel stories are so exciting to read and more than that i just love every outfit she wears.
i totally adore both of you as a couple.
Thank you for such wonderful posts 🙂 make my day !!
Hey Pooja – Vid showed your comment to me and I had to say thank you. I remember you well and think of those days at DU fondly 🙂 Thanks for all the love, you’re super generous. Bear hugs, Savi
believe me when i say this !!! i am reading this 2nd time and there you go !! i find everything new !!! like how do you do this !!! such INTERESTING PEOPLE !!! do these kinds of homo sapiens really exist ?? 😉
Aww how will we EVER thank you for all the love Kushagr. Reading your comments makes our day 😀
reading about you guys makes mine !!! so i think its even !!! 🙂
Hehe thanks 😀
Very well said Vid.
I know you have heard this a million times, but here’s one more time – i simply love your posts. Have been an arm chair traveler with you both for ever now. Keep on writing guys and more power to you both !
Thanks a million Nakul – always love hearing from you. I hope we’ve persuaded you to go travelling in 2016 🙂
Wow!! This is truely amazing.. Came across your story through a recent ‘yourstorytv’ article. Did go through a few articles posted here. Well written and those pics… maan, those are simply superb. I am sure you guys are truely living your dream, aren’t you?? Good luck guys..please plan a meet-up in BLR soon…
Thanks a ton Rahul. So happy to hear you enjoy reading Bruised Passports. We DO have a lot of fun putting it together. A meetup in Bangalore is definitely in the works. We’ll keep you updated. Do follow our Facebook page for updates about events and adventures: https://www.facebook.com/BruisedPassports/
Savi and Vid , I luved you guys from the title itself , it’s just 1st article and m sure m going to end up reading every bit of bruisedpassport. My daughter is also passionate for travelling , told her to read you guys and dream to travel with her across the globe.keep going SV.
Thanks a million Sonali – so happy to hear you enjoy reading Bruised Passports 🙂 Do follow us on Facebook as well
You guys are soo cute and inspiring 🙂
Thanks a million Urvashi 😀
Only today I discovered your page. Great write up and also very happy to see suh an excellent couple together living out their dreams. Great. Travelling and reporting is a long cherished passion which I couldn’t completely fulfill. So often i have to indulge in being a Stationary Traveller…!
Thnnks a million Hubert – really appreciate your comment. You should change that – try and travel more in whichever way, shape, or form is comfortable for you this year 🙂
Y’all are just too cute! Love the blog, the pics, the food pics, the humor, the smiles, the motivation… I was in Iceland a couple of weeks ago and met a couple who mentioned they stayed at a very cute B&B cottage. They showed me a picture and I said, “wait, I’ve seen that. I wanted to stay there. Where did I see that….?” and then at the same time we all three said, “Bruised Passports!” LOL They absolutely loved it and I was envious, but traveling solo did not allow for that in the budget. Next time. 😉 Keep up the good work.
Thanks a million Rachel- that means the world. What a coincidence – our wee li’l corner on the internet is getting popular 😉
Dipsites : Check
Travel junky : Check
Crazy : Check
Hi5 on the similarities guys.
Your life looks super exciting.
Would love to work with you guys.
Keep rocking and exploring the world.
We all love 🙂
Thanks a lot Roopali 🙂
You guys are doing awesome work…i read your blog first time and it was awesome..very well written about your experiences….though i also love tavelling alot. Keep up the good work:) i love to meet u guys when u were in Delhi.
Thanks a lot Arshpreet. We’ll be organising a get together in Delhi soon and would love to meet you. Please follow us on http://www.facebook.com/BruisedPassports so that you receive a notification when we set up the event 🙂
WOWIE! You guys (Savi Vid or shall I say SAVID :D) are rocking. Just got to know about your website from a Facebook update and i am all over you guys now. I have a passion for cooking and love for traveling just like you Savi but unfortunately the ‘VID’ is missing in my life. 😛 Nevertheless, Keep traveling, writing up and posting great pictures as you guys do.
Hehe thanks a lot Aakanksha 🙂 Happy travels!
Just came across bruised passport.Pleasure reading abt u guys.we r more into road trips.wat has been ur best raod trip ever.GOD BLESS YOU GUYS.
Hi Gayathri,
Some of our favourite road trips have been in Iceland, South Africa, New Zealand, and Ladakh 🙂
i never thought Savi would be such a good cook, but now it seems GOOD is an under statement….For u it may be comments to make u recharge, like wise for me its u ppl, ur blogs, ur posts, ur pics, ur everything…. Just love reading everything about your adventures… keep posting, keep enjoying
Awww thank you so much Prachi 🙂
You guys are awesome ??
Thanks a ton Purnima 🙂
There are so many travel blogs I follow, and I wouldn’t flatter you by saying that yours is the best (‘cz obviously all travel stories are good) but the reason I am in love with you guys is the fact that your blog oozes happiness and sunshine and all things bright and happy. (I think its ‘cz of Savi’s big smile ). More and more power to you!
Thanks a lot Himanshi! Your comment made our day 🙂
I’m so glad I found you guys on Instagram! BruisedPassports is such an inspiration ?
Thanks a lot Amrita 🙂
You both inspire me. One fine day my mom was lecturing me about getting married at right age and babies and stuff. She asked me what do I want in my life and I pulled up your blog and said “This”. 🙂
Well, she was in shock and took my passport. (Just kidding) :P.
You both are awesome!!
Thanks a ton Khushboo 🙂 Lol I wouldn’t be surprised if that was actually your mom’s reaction 😉
Hello, Savi and Vid! Today I woke up a little earlier (2am) with the thirst to search for something new. I did not know that would lead me to this awesome blog. Thank you for the great insights about food, travelling and coffee (it did remind me to make myself a cup just now). A hundred hours a week is a definitely big WOW! My day just had a new bright color. Cheers and best regards!
Hey Sam – we LOVE it when that happens. So happy to hear you discovered Bruised Passports and really hope you continue to enjoy our adventures around the world 😀
Lovely blog..thanks for write up.!!wish you guys many more memorable trips..
Thanks a ton Radhika 🙂
I am jismon studying high school
I loves traveling i have a gf she too loves traveling after i explored bruisedpassports.com i feel so inspired.
You both are great inspiration for travelers and to those who love traveling.all the best savi and vid
Thanks a ton Jismon 🙂 So happy to hear that
Really inspiring.may be next year I will also be travelling somewhere around the globe.just a question,how ahead you plan your trips?booking hotels and flights can be a costly affair otherwise.what is your plans for rest of the year?
Hey Siddharth – yes we book our trips months in advance and research a lot about the places we’d like to cover. Having said that all our earnings and savings go into booking hotels and flights 😉 We’ll be in and around North America for the rest of the year 🙂
hey Savi,
You got best dressing and cooking sense. you should write more about cooking style in various country and also more about accessories because you got great sense of both..
Thanks a lot Varsha 🙂 That’s a great idea and I’ll try to incorporate that in our articles 🙂
Hiiii Savi nd vid. I love reading your posts. Savi has killing dressing sense and her cooking skills are just fantabulous.. I would love to meet u guys atleast once… The way u potray your love and intimacy in the pics is beyond awesomeness…The part where u considered bruised passports as ur child(yeah, crazy baby) was toooo cute 💟💟😍
Hey Raji,
Thank you so much for all the love. We would love to meet you too – hopefully soon. Bruised Passports is our baby for sure and usually it’s very well behaved 😉
Much love
Its such a pleasure to rwad about you two! 😁
lots of love
Aww Nidhishri Rawal, it feels so good to read this-you just made our day:)
You guys! You are the luckiest for having each other and we are lucky to see the beauty you both create, be it pictures, posts or words. Keep shining bright you two! Lots of love :*
Thank you so much for all the love Pratyusha 🙂
I am a doctor and the best part of my life goes to academics. All my days essentially consist of either working or studying..So guess what I do to brighten up my day when it gets buried under my books? I type bruised passports into the search bar. Thanks for bringing winters,waterfalls,seas, stars and all the magic into our lives passively.
Hey Pratyusha – so lovely to hear that. All the best with your academic endeavours 🙂
I just discovered you’ll recently while planning my itinerary for Seychelles.
I went back to Instagram and back here; honestly I haven’t been off your website since then
I’ve practically read all your articles now.
I am an avid traveller too, and truly appreciate the personal style of writing and photography; for once it doesnt feel like a commercial project but just pure love. I know who I’m following to plan my holidays from now on.
#SuchInspiration Xx
Hey Juthika,
Thanks a lot for dropping by and for your beautiful message. we treat our blog as our baby and really enjoy sharing all the experiences with our amazing virtual family around the world. Thanks a lot for your words of encouragement 🙂
Much love
You know you both make me go awwww. It’s good to know that we can really get a partner so compatible. I love your posts and blogs a lot. And I love u both even though I haven’t met you, but I hope to meet you two.
Hey Kinjal,
Thanks for all the love and support 🙂 We’d love to meet you too. Hopefully somewhere soon – fingers crossed 🙂
Itz great to know such facts about you guys…love your posts and the experiences you guys share are wonderfull…you really inspire many of youngsters whose only aim in life is to travel😁😍…keep doing!!😊👍
Thanks Muskan – glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Loved your travelogue and knowing all these little things about you guys.
I cannot start with the similarities we have!!!!
My husband and I have a similar story, met in 11th class, dated since and got married a year and a half back. We both love travelling and have been since some year now. But it’s only after marriage that we have made it our no.1 aim in life. We are coffee lovers, hubby played/is into cricket and football. I love cooking, like a full on gourmet style “Savi’-esque 😛 Yet to think of starting full time travelling like you guys. That’s the dream! Happy to see though that it is possible 🙂 Cheers guys, keep it coming.
Lots of love,
Hey Mridula – that’s so exciting. Always good to meet, albeit virtually, folks with similar stories and interests. Hope you travel tons super soon 🙂
Checked all posts, Bio ..! I’m speechless , You guys made it so nice , I’m a solo budget traveller, I hope I would also get a life partner like you Vid, I mean I hope I ll make same couple in future. I liked the way Savi said in video Vid is passionate he’s feminist , That proud feeling is there in her voice wow😍☺️👍🏻. Fantastic , I’m gonna be chewingum with your pages , blogs & website for life . I have the same dream you guys are fulfulling everyday , I want to travel whole world alone or with someone.
Thanks a lot for the beautiful words Maitry 🙂 Glad to know you enjoy reading our story!!
May you get to travel tons and fulfil your dreams
Much love
Savi and Vid
You guys are truly amazing and a huge inspiration to a lot of people who love to travel 🙂 i follow your insta page as well and i wish, one day, i get to travel like you guys do 😀 And, your posts on Bali helped me when i went there this year 🙂 looking forward to meeting you guys if you come down to Chennai 🙂
Thanks Sanjay for writing back and sharing this information with us.We love the fact that you enjoy reading what we write. We are sure you will get a chance to travel across the globe very soon. Wish you all the best in life.
Ohh thats a beautiful breakout Vid 😀
Savi is such an awesome cook;
Well, Good for your ever so active tastebuds….(I got to know from Point no 2 :-P)
Also, I AM IMPRESSED by your Coffee bean roasting skills <3
Awesome you guys; spreading more and more Love all around
and I just wish If I could pair up and travel like both of you 🙂
Say Cheeeese…….. I know you would definitely say that 😀
Thanks a million for all the love Pragati – So happy you enjoyed reading this article, I sure loved writing it. Also I love the sound of ‘Say Cheese’ 😉
You guys are truly inspirational.. we’re heading to New Orleans next week followed by Colorado.. and your tips have helped us a LOT.
Hugs from Washington D.C
Hey Richa,
Thank you so much and happy to hear about your trip to New Orleans – do share photos if you get a chance 🙂
A hardcore travel researcher. Read millions of blogs and articles and yours is the first one I have subscribed to. Not to say that others weren’t good but yours is absolutely fabulous!
Thanks a million 🙂
Cheers to both of you, Donot stop doing this , you inspire many of us to dream in many ways, May God bless you both . One thing i would suggest you as a doctor is to plan for an offspring , as time is really precious , if you can so why not, also there is no feeling as good as creating an epitome of your existence into this world. Dont be scared i’m sure you guys can manage it beautifully. Just an advice from your sincere admirer and well wisher, Have a safe journey ❤️❤️
hands down best couple i ever know
Thanks for all the love 🙂
I wanted to know how you guys mastered/ tamed the SEO dragon and writing for the web? I have a cinema blog that I want to take to the next level and I wanted to know if you guys have any reccomendations for books/online courses to master strategies for building an online brand.
Hi Saraswati,
To be honest, just lots of reading SEO articles on the web (reading Google’s suggestions is the best place to start) and a lot of trial and error over the years. We still learn 🙂
Hi Savi & Vid. You guys are goals undoubtedly. Love your content…from photos to videos to articles.. I just have one question atm.. WHO CLICKS THE COUPLE’S PHOTOS?? I by now know about Vid’s photography skills but what about the photos that have him in them and both of you together. Thanks and keep inspiring!!
Hey Gunjan,
Most of the photos are shot by Vid (he sets the tripod in the ones he is in as well) but sometimes our friends/a tour guide help us in shooting under Vid’s direction ;-))
Hi guys it has been great following you both. The flow of language in your articles keeps us reading more and more. No wonder Savi is a graduate in English. Wish you all the best and keep inspiring us. Thank you.
Thank you so much 🙂
Great to know about you, thank you so much for sharing these things with us.
Neha Firstly and fore mostly… THANK YOU! Thank you a million times for doing what you do. Thank you for sharing with us this important and special time of your life – for talking openly and honestly
Firstly and fore mostly… THANK YOU! Thank you a million times for doing what you do. Thank you for sharing with us this important and special time of your life – for talking openly and honestly
Thank you for reading – so happy you enjoyed it 🙂 You’ll always find us flying the flag for authenticity
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Agree with the overall pointer mentioned above.
What a fascinating read! I had no idea about these hidden gems and interesting facts about your travels. It’s clear that you both have a knack for discovering unique experiences. Thanks for sharing these insights and inspiring us all to explore more.
Thank you so much for this authentic information Agreed with the overall pointer mentioned above.