It’s no secret – us travellers don’t have much time to be window shopping or visiting shops on weekends. After all we’re constantly on the move. Good thing, the internet is working hard to bring the shops to us. This might be why more than half my wardrobe is from ASOS.
I am subscribed to a dozen online stores but I never end up perusing their wares for lack of time. So when I came across a website that could collate all my favourite brands in one place, I got rather excited. I first stumbled on Lyst on Instagram and spent the better part of an hour checking out all the brands they have in stock – everything from high street giants like H&M, Topshop and ASOS to designers like Gucci and Dior.
This post, written in partnership with Lyst, will show you how I end up styling and shopping for comfortable, yet stylish, travel outfits online. Signing up is simple, you’re guided through a list of brands and you can pick and choose the stores your frequent and the brands that suit your personality. My choices included some of my favourite brands including Zara, Topshop, and H&M.

Next comes the addictive part – you can browse hundreds of recommendations based on the choices you’ve just made. A seductive whirlpool of maxi dresses, shoes, silk-kimonos, and shoes later, you’re bound to thank the online shopping gods for collating all your favourite stores at one place 🙂 Here’s a peek at my current wishlist, which includes a lot of basic black pieces that can be accessorized easily, a laid-back Topshop sweatshirt, and a silk robe (something I always take with it – it takes me to my happy place!). Ordinarily I would’ve added a pair of heels to this list but given the amount I’m travelling these days, I’d rather splurge on a pair of shoes that don’t take too much space and ones I can use frequently 🙂

What would you add to your wishlist err wishLYST? Are you an online shopping fan too? 🙂