There are many things we love about travelling – experiencing varied cultures, marvelling at the scenery, trying out local food, meeting new people, and making new friends. From discovering a carpet of bluebells to meeting amazing people, we have been fortunate enough to have some amazing experiences on the road. But do you know the best part about travelling? It is that moment when one sees something so spectacular that it takes ones breath away.
We experienced this when we went Quad Biking in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. We knotted our head-scarves as tightly as we possibly could, wore the largest sunglasses we could find, and we were off to explore the Sinai desert with a small group of people. Before we knew it, we were deep in the desert with nobody, except a lone Bedouin, for company. Around us sand dunes stretched to infinity.
We kept going deeper and deeper and the lights of civilisation, blinking in the distance, began to fade away. All we could feel were warm gusts of wind, pieces of gritty sand against our faces, and the gorgeous deep blue sky.
We stopped for a break. Then it came – a staggeringly beautiful sunset. First it was tangerine, then burgundy. As the dusky oranges, blues, and purples coalesced to give us a blaze of colour, our chatty group suddenly fell silent. We stared at the sky, too mesmerised to take pictures. The air was heady, that moment infinite.
Then, that realisation – TO WANDER IS TO LIVE.
We were quiet as we drove back in the dark, under a sky littered with tiny stars.
That is what makes travel special for us – epiphanic moments that cannot be planned but leave an indelible impression. Quad Biking in the Sinai Desert, truly an adrenalin rush like no other. If we could add diving and snorkelling to this experience like our friends Agness and Cez did on their action packed trip to Sharm-el-Sheikh, it would make it a complete experience. I guess we’ll leave that for our next trip 🙂

Fact File
- Don’t book your quad-biking experience online. Wait to get to Sharm-el-Sheikh. There are a number of travel agents in the local market. Make sure you bargain to get the best price- it is the norm.
- The Quad Biking experience is an easy trip from Sharm-El-Sheikh. It takes 4 hours – 2 hours on the bikes with a refreshment stop at a remote bedouin camp.
- You will be covered in desert sand by the end – make sure you wear old clothes.
- Carry sunglasses to prevent the sand from entering your eyes and a scarf to cover your head.
- Opt for the sunrise or sunset slots – its magical to see the sky change colours
Want to read about surreal experiences we have had or sample fascinating photos from a forgotten part of the world? Hop over to our post about an exotic Desert Safari at Wadi Rum, Jordan or the first time we visited Petra – The Lost City of Jordan
I want to go to Egypt-like super sooon 😉 ‘To Wander is to live’-love that !!
Thanks Ratika 🙂 You will LOVE Egypt. Glad you agree on the wandering bit – We were trying to question the stereotype that roving/restlessness is bad and settling down good.
This would so far my favorite among the wheres. For the first time it wasn’t so much so the pictures doing the talking but the words dripping with nostalgia that left me wondering about the experience and the place.
Thanks Shivangi- good to see a comment from you. For once, we were too dumbstruck to take photos. We just stared at the expanse, wide-eyed in wonder. You’re right- writing about it made me incredibly nostalgic 🙂
I can imagine how you two would have felt. Maybe because you did not take photos is why you absorbed the experience more which beautifully reflects in your writing. Can’t wait for more such illustrated travelogues on wondrous-seeming places. 🙂
There’s loads more where that came from Shivangi 🙂 In fact, today’s post on Morocco is one such travelogue- a far cry from our experience in Egypt, but special nevertheless.
What an awesome experience! I’ve seen a few of those sunsets that take your breath away, and it seems that even if you do think to get your camera, it never quite captures it correctly anyway. There’s something really special about just getting away from it all in a foreign place, and allowing ourselves to really notice such things.
Jessica we couldn’t have agreed more- getting away from it all and absorbing the moment can be immensely therapeutic. It’s hard for a photograph to do justice to the real thing
“To wander is to live.” Love this. It perfectly captures what I feel about traveling!
Thanks Freya. We wrote it after a heated debate with a friend on the advantages of ‘settling down’ 😉
Egypt is high on our bucket list. We’ve actually had a trip booked and paid for twice, but sadly it was not meant to be. Someday…
Jennifer the same happened to us with Morocco, but we finally made it there last year. I’m sure you guys will be in Egypt soon- make sure you hit Sharm-el-Sheikh after the Pyramids, Luxor et al – it’s the perfect place to unwind, snorkel, or go quad-biking in the Sinai 🙂
TO WANDER IS TO LIVE……all goosebumpy after reading that beautiful description. i liked the part where all of u drove back in the dark, real quiet….relishing what you just experienced….what a BLISS
Anu it was amazing- we were marvelling at it long after ‘it’ had ended 🙂
Ah, those breathtaking moments of travel! I’d love to have an experience like yours sometime. The quad biking would be so much fun — and in such an amazing place!
So happy to hear you enjoyed reading our account Cathy- it was breathtaking indeed. That’s the thing about travelling, it never stops being wondrous 🙂
Egypt is like my dream destination!! The pics r beautiful…n make me wanna go thr more!!
Make sure you hit Sharm-El-Sheikh to relax after chaotic Cairo and Luxor 🙂 I hope you make it to Egypt super-soon Khushi
Been there before and like the building there
My mother wants to visit Egypt. I hope to take her there sometime soon! 🙂
Make sure you check out our article on where to stay in Egypt Divya. You mum would love that resort 🙂 Hope you make it to Egypt soon
wow what an Adventure, one I would love to try, it is on my to do list
Rachel send us photos if you do end up going Quad Biking 🙂
wowwwww really amazing pics… great post!!! I want to visit Egypt also I have never gone there.
Thanks Alina. Egypt is fabulous 🙂
I love your blog! I hope your write about your experience visiting the pyramids soon!
Sounds like you really connected with mother nature. Awesome! And you even uncovered the secret to life! 🙂 Definitely more to Egypt than pyramids.
Couldn’t have agreed more – love the desert in Egypt 🙂
I loved going through all your blogs . I am looking to travel during end of March and have good 10 days . Do you think it’s a good time to visit Egypt during that month ? We are also looking to include Morocco , you think it’s is advisable? Also what are must visit places we should include in our itinerary.
Hey Melia,
Your trip might become hectic if you include Morocco too. We suggest spending 10 days in Egypt – you could go to Cairo, Luxor, Hurgadha, and Sharm-el-Sheikh 🙂
Have a great trip!
Going to Egypt is my dream . I had to cancel my trip to Cairo due to health issue but I hope I will go there next year. Thanks for this great post
Should we choose one destination between hurgadha and Sharm el sheikh? Looks like more of the same..please advise.
Yes it can get quite repetitive – best to choose one of the two 🙂