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Written by Savi, 15 Comments

Savi and I have had some amazing experiences in the last 5 years, but we still find it immensely difficult to pick “the best” places in the world. Last week, we asked some of our favourite bloggers where they would like to go on a one-way ticket and vicariously travelled to gorgeous locations around the world. We had so much fun discovering new places that we decided to continue putting our friends and fellow bloggers through the misery. Yet again, we got some adventurous answers šŸ™‚


Here’s presenting Part II ofĀ ‘On A One-Way Ticket To…..Ā 


1) Ana from Mrs. O Around the World chose California


If I could get a one way ticket to somewhere, it would be to California, in the United States. I know it doesn’t sound so exotic as somewhere in Asia, but to be truthful, it is the only place in the world I could see myself living. I can really see myself living in Beverly Hills, or closer to the beach in Santa Monica and Malibu – the scenery is breathtaking, the food is wonderful, and let’s not talk about the parties and the shopping.


I visit California religiously every year – and have done so for the past 10 years. We own a place in Palm Springs and it is one of our happy places indeed. We are fortunate to be able to visit stunning places each year, but this is one that it is non-negotiable for Mr. O and myself. I can just imagine being able to visit the California desert for the weekend as it is just over an hour away from LA, or a cheeky weekend in San Diego or Rancho Valencia every now and then šŸ˜‰

Mrs O Around The World Palm Springs
Ana atop San Jacinto Mountain in Palm Springs (Photo Credit: Mrs O Around The World)

Ā Read Ā more about Ana’s luxurious escapes over atĀ Mrs. O Around The World


2) Sam from Nomadic Samuel chose Korea


On a one way ticket, I would head back to the Hermit Kingdom (also known as Korea). Ā Prior to living my life as a perpetual nomad, I first cut my teeth teaching English in South Korea. Ā Aside from Canada, Korea is my home away from home. Ā I love the kimchi, rice, and barbecues in tandem with soju infused nights out on the town. Ā If I want my fix of the urban jungle I’ll spend significant time in Seoul. Ā If I’m need of a peace and quiet the many scenic towns and mountains interspersed between larger urban centers provide a welcome relief. Ā Moreover, if this travel blogging gig ever fizzles out I know I can find a job again as an English teacher.

Nomadic Samuel
Sam in Korea (Photo Credit: Nomadic Samuel)

Read Ā more about Sam’s nomadic adventures over at Nomadic Samuel


3) Dave and Deb from Planet D chose Railay, Thailand


Railay in Thailand will always have a special place in our hearts. It was the place we fell in love with in 2000 when we took our first extended trip abroad. We’d love to spend a winter hanging out there and improving our rock climbing. We’ve been saying for years that we’d like to get back in to climbing and this is the place to do it. There are hundreds of routes and itā€™s paradise! It has great beaches, itā€™s a beautiful setting and there is a lot to do besides rock climbing.Ā  Besides all there is to do in nature, it is close enough to Krabi Town so that we can go to a movie every once in a while too. Thailand is a comfortable destination for us, we could easily see ourselves settling down there one day so if we are given a one way ticket somewhere, with the intent of staying for a while, that would be the place.

Dave and Deb rock climbing in Railay
Dave and Deb climbing with their guide Toto (Photo Credit: Dave Bouskill @ThePlanetD)

Read Ā more about Dave and Deb’s unending adventures over atĀ The Planet D


4) Dave and Vicky from A Couple Travelers chose Japan


Japan was the first country we visited on our trip and one of our favourites. Japanese food is my favourite and I crave sushi while we’re traveling. Since we visited Japan at the beginning of our travels, we were very budget conscious andĀ didn’t indulge as much as we should have!


Also I just recently watched the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi and realised that we missed out on sampling sushi from the best sushi chef in the world. At over $300 a plate this would be the most expensive meal of our lives but I’m pretty sure I would dream about it for years to come! Jiro himself is already over 85 so we’ve got to get over there before he retires!

Dave and Vicky A Couple Travelers
Dave and Vicky in Japan (Photo Credit: A Couple Travelers)


Worried aboutĀ budgeting your trip to Japan ? Find a great breakdown of costs for a trip to Japan over at Travels In Translation.


5) Agness from E Tramping chose Istanbul


One-way ticket place? That would be definitely Istanbul for me! Why? HereĀ comes a long list of reasons. Firstly, itā€™s a stunning city of wonder andĀ phenomenal beauty with Muslim lifestyle, deep religion, extremely deliciousĀ food (yes, thatā€™s the main reason!) and breathtaking landmarks.


Secondly, one of the things I always wanted to do is stroll down Istanbulā€™s bazaars. By the way, did you know that Istanbul is one of the mostĀ impressive shopping capitals in the world? It is an amazing place to exploreĀ local markets where you can find absolutely everything ā€“ from the mostĀ authentic locally-made traditional handcrafts to rugs, cloth, jewellery, and exoticĀ home-wares. The most interesting spots are Spice Markets where you can lookĀ for unique local herbs and spices, sweet flavoured marshmallows and heavenlyĀ Turkish delight sweets!


Finally, Istanbul is a budget friendly place so for a tramp like me, travelling theĀ world for less than $25, is just a perfect travel destination!Ā Oh, I forgot about Turkish coffee – no visit to Turkey is complete without it!Ā Finely ground roasted beans, sugar, served unfiltered, Turkish coffee bearsĀ earthy aromas, a distinctive full body and frothy texture that would make anĀ espresso green with envy. Itā€™s also immensely flavourful, helping seasonedĀ coffee aficionados appreciate the subtle woody tones of high-quality coffeeĀ beans.Real heaven!

Agness from eTramping
Agness from eTramping would love to go to Istanbul (Photo Credit: ETramping)

Read Ā more about Agness’s adventures over at E Tramping


6) Matthew from Gran Canaria Local chose Guigui, Gran Canaria, Spain


As a travel blogger, you get those grass-is-greener-style moments. If I didnā€™t have a lovingĀ family waiting for me at home, there have been press trips where Iā€™ve felt like ripping up theĀ return ticket. Like when I reluctantly left Portugalā€™s Alentejo, a place which could even teachĀ their Spanish neighbours things about slow living.Ā But the one-way ticket I really craveā€™s rather closer to home. Youā€™d think residing on a holidayĀ island would be one long vacation. But just like back in London Town, I have to work for a living.Ā Itā€™s when I visited the isolated beach of Guigui that the urge to leave the rat race really kicked in.Ā Here, the sky really is bluer, the sun shinier, and the outlook brighter. One day, weā€™ll do up oneĀ of these old ruins. And I wonā€™t have to make the painful trudge back to the world of nine to five.

GuiGui Gran Canaria
Matthew’s Choice: GuiGui in Gran Canaria (Photo Credit: Gran Canaria Local)

Read more about Matthew’s adventures over at Gran Canaria Local


Where would you go on a one way ticket?Ā Tell us in the comments below šŸ™‚


15 thoughts on “On A One-Way Ticket Yet Again…..

  1. All excellent destinations for a one-way ticket! And now you got me thinking to where my one-way ticket would be…

  2. When I first saw this topic I thought about what I would answer, and it would be some place exotic, and of course I would get greedy and want someone to pay for the trip too, some place like St. Petersburg Russia or Bhutan, but it is interesting that so many of these bloggers talk of more simple places, or returning to some place where they have had a great experience. I love that!

    1. The pleasure is all ours Sam šŸ™‚ We love Istanbul too – it manages to be chaotic and dreamy at the same time

  3. Great to see Sam here. I hope to make it to Korea soon! I’m off to the Philippines this weekend šŸ™‚ <3 unfortunately with return ticket to China :-).
    Thank you so much for having me here! It's been a real pleasure to contribute x

  4. Great picks! Being asked for “bests” and “favorites” is so difficult. We fell in love with S. Korea when we were there, and felt we didn’t have nearly enough time to explore, so can totally relate to Sam’s pick. On the other hand, I could easily see myself living in Japan. I did just that for a year as an exchange student (long, long ago). As for places we haven’t been, I’m with Agness on Istanbul. I feel like I’ve wanted to explore there forever! I’m going to give some serious thought to where my One Way Ticket would take me.

  5. Good question and so hard to answer. My first thought was somewhere very far away and kind of in the middle of nowhere so that I would have a good adventure getting out of there!

  6. hey hi Savi and Vid… you guys are do damn inspiring.. love you two <3 ..
    I am planning to go to phuket for a vacation please please can you suggest a good beach resort.

  7. hey hi Savi and Vid… you guys are so damn inspiring.. love you two <3 ..
    I am planning to go to phuket for a vacation please please can you suggest a good beach resort.

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