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Written by Savi, 50 Comments
Iglu Dorf Zermatt Review
How would you like to stay in an igloo? Photo courtesy – Iglu Dorf


It’s only appropriate that I begin this story about Iglu Dorf with Once Upon A Time 


We got off at the Rotenboden train station in Switzerland with trepidation. The train track seemed to be decorated with glistening ice while all around us snow flakes continued to fall. There was snow as far as the eye could see. Once the train chugged away, there was a deep silence.


Surprisingly Vid and I were snuggly. We had wrapped warm – a dozen layers, thermals, snowboots, the works! We looked at each other and wondered what we had put ourselves up for. Long back, while compiling our travel bucket-list, we had booked ourselves an overnight stay in Iglu Dorf, a unique igloo village which rents igloos to curious souls like us. At that moment, backpacks strung to our backs, we were beginning to doubt our decision as our feet slipped deeper and deeper into the snow.


Iglu Dorf review Zermatt
Snow snow everywhere


Iglu Dorf review
More snow 🙂


Within seconds two guides from Iglu Dorf and a couple of other guests appeared on skis as if from nowhere and put our momentary doubts to rest. The guides escorted us to the Iglu Village, a ten minute walk away from the train station. 6-7 stumpy igloos stood in the middle of untouched snow smugly claiming the surreal surroundings as their own.


Our guides, Chris and Patricia,  welcomed guests to Iglu Dorf over a cup of gluhwein (warm wine), bowls full of buttery popcorn, and a cheese platter. I confess! I might have missed half of what they said during the induction because I was too busy marvelling at the ice sculptures on the walls of the Ice Bar and the handsome fur rugs that adorned the ice-seats of the li’l amphitheatre next door. Seriously, a whole bar and theatre carved out of ice – how cool is that?


Iglu Dorf review Zermatt
Savi glugging on mulled wine at the Ice Bar at Iglu Dorf


Iglu Dorf review
Cheese, meat , and popcorn – nom!


Iglu Dorf review
Fur-lined stools at the bar


Iglu Dorf review
The corridor. Notice the eyes of the sculpture on the right


Induction over, we were shown our igloo. We opted for Iglu Dorf’s Romantic Igloo – a private igloo for 2 people with a double sleeping bag. We just dumped our backpacks in our igloo and went to explore the rest of the ‘village’ as powdery snow continued to settle on the ground by the inch. Iglu Dorf in Zermatt (Switzerland) had 8 igloos for overnight guests, 2 bars (an ice bar and a heated bar), a fondue lounge, and hot tubs overlooking the mighty Alps.


Iglu Dorf review
Our igloo – notice the ice cube with a rose and Icarus’ sculpture on the wall? Loved it


Iglu Dorf review
We were so happy to be in an igloo – must’ve been eskimos in a past life!!


Iglu Dorf review
Fondue lounge at Iglu Dorf, Zermatt (Switzerland)


Soon it was time for dinner. Dinner was an archetypal Swiss fondue. We sat and conversed with other guest over pieces of bread dipped in rich and luxurious melted cheese. There were just 12 other guests besides us, so everyone became quite friendly over dinner.


Iglu Dorf Zermatt review
Cheese fondue for dinner at Iglu Dorf, Zermatt (Switzerland)


At dusk we crept outside and stared at the setting sun and examined intricate snowflakes as they fell on our gloves, relishing every bit of the silence. When the cold got too much to bear, we huddled in front of the fire at the heated bar. Hours passed over a few beers and cheery conversation. It was midnight.


[box] As we stepped outside the bar, we collectively gasped in disbelief. It was full moon night and the entire landscape was bathed in a mellow blue light. I wouldn’t be surprised if this other-worldly beauty brought a tear to some eyes.[/box]


Nobody wanted to let this vision go to waste. Chris, our guide, took all of us ‘snowbooting’ (wearing special snow shoes) at midnight. We spent some time hunting for star-studded skies and shadowy visions of the Alps, especially the Matterhorn and came back to warm jacuzzis.


Iglu Dorf Zermatt review
‘Snowbooting’ at midnight – check out the special snow shoes 🙂


Iglu Dorf review Zermatt
New friends and a hot tub in the middle of the snow – it can’t get better than this


The alcohol, hot tubs, and exercise warmed up our bodies like nobody’s business. We crawled into our sleeping bag, spread over a bed of ice. Iglu Dorf boasts of heavy duty sleeping bags made for Arctic conditions, so we were warm within minutes. In fact we just didn’t want to wake up when Patricia came to our igloo in the morning with 2 steaming cups of tea.


Iglu Dorf review
One last drink at The Ice Bar at Iglu Dorf, Zermatt (Switzerland)


Iglu Dorf review
The Romantic Igloo at Iglu Dorf, Zermatt (Switzerland)


Most guests left right after breakfast but we lingered on till 11 am, not wanting to leave this winter wonderland. Iglu Dorf we will definitely be back …. 🙂


Iglu Dorf review
Savi with Chris and Patricia, the best ever guides!!




  • Sleeping in an igloo should definitely be on your bucket list. It is an experience like no other. Unforgettable and memorable.
  • Iglu Dorf is one of the most unique hotels in the world. It is the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion or (if you’re anything like us!) life in general.
  • We stayed at Iglu Dorf in Zermatt, Switzerland. But they also have similar igloo hotels in Germany and Andorra.
  • The hotel is weather dependent. So it is possible to stay at Iglu Dorf only between November and April
  • Toilet facilities are located in a heated complex next to the Igloo Village.
  • The price includes welcome drinks, breakfast, dinner, unlimited tea, coffee, and soup. It is important to drink lots of hot liquids to stay hydrated at such a high altitude, so make good use of the unlimited hot drinks.
  • More information on their website


Would you ever stay overnight in an igloo? 🙂 



We were guests of Zermatt Tourism and Iglu Dorf in Switzerland. We are two extremely opinionated ninjas – so all views (good and bad) are entirely our own. Click on to read our full Disclosure Policy

50 thoughts on “Staying in an Igloo – Put this on your bucket list NOW!

  1. This looks amazing! I REALLY want to stay in an iglo/ice hotel, I’m definitely a winter holiday kind of person. Although, I’d be a little worried about all the snow collapsing on me in the night. Glad you had a great time!

    1. Hey Harriet,

      You’ll definitely enjoy this experience. You know, Vid had the same fear (about the ice collapsing while we were sleeping hehe) but it was all intact when we woke up.


  2. Oh my God this place looks absolutely amazing! How lucky are you to have stayed there. This is definitely going on my 30 before 30, I HAVE to stay in an igloo. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. I’d always dreamt of Staying in an Igloo during my childhood, later thought its impossible. You guys are too much!!! I mean Staying in an Igloo is in my bucket list!!!!!! 😀 😀

  4. Very cool experience. Definitely something I HAVE to do one day and Switzerland being one of my favorite countries may very well be where to experience it. Lot the pics!

  5. Amazing! Funnily enough, this is the second thing I’ve read this morning about igloos! It all looks fantastic. I knew someone who got married in an ice hotel in Finland – that looked amazing too.

    1. ooh – that would be fun. Wonder what the bridge wore – I can’t imagine wrapping up this warm on a wedding 🙂

  6. I have never dreamt of doing this, until now! This sounds too good to be true. Definitely on my bucket list now.

  7. Oh my goodness, this sounds amazing. I have often dreamt (literally) about sleeping in an igloo despite never consciously wanting to, this post has definitely changed my mind!

    1. Teehee, they had a heated toilet complex which could be used by everyone staying at the igloo village 🙂

    1. Adelina we can promise you, you will be super warm. Savi hates the cold too but loved this experience 🙂

  8. Absolutely! This is right up my alley, and I’m adding this to my bucket list right now. What fabulous photos, and it sounds like you two had a wonderfully romantic time.

  9. Oh. No. I was in Zermatt in 2012 – how is it possible that I totally missed this?! Only consolation is that it was summer time so perhaps wouldn’t have been possible anyway but this really is a must see from the sounds of things! I love the look of that bar – the whole thing looks so cosy and romantic – just love it! 🙂

  10. Oh. No. I was in Zermatt in 2012 – how is it possible that I totally missed this?! Only consolation is that it was summer time so perhaps wouldn’t have been possible anyway but this really is a must see from the sounds of things! I love the look of that bar – the whole thing looks so cosy and romantic – just love it! 🙂

  11. We stayed there in February 2013 – absolutely loved it! If it’s possible, it’s even more magical than it sounds in this well written review. As hinted at in the article, book to stay during a full moon. Midnight, moonlight on the tip of the Matterhorn,hot tub, champagne… it’s all you need to know!

    1. Paul you’re absolutely right. Words or photos can’t ever do justice to the experience of staying in an igloo *sigh*

  12. Hi Savi

    Nice blog man…i have a question for you, what you do for earning and affording such expensive places….dont mind but i want to live same life as yours….i hope you wud help me here ….


  13. Some amazing pictures out there 🙂 We are planning a last min trip there this coming Easter, would you recommend the igloo hotel during that time? Would there be enough snow? Thx

    1. Hey Nikita – most igloo villages are still standing till Easter. But the weather varied a lot from year to year – so it’s best to confirm with the hotel before you book your stay 🙂

  14. Hey there again…this is definitely on my bucket list and we are planning our trip to Swiss very soon. Just have a question which is the fastest and cheapest way to travel from zurich to zematt.

    Thanks guys for inspiring us.

  15. Hi Savi / Vid,

    We are considering visiting Iglu Dorf for a 1 night stay in March. We’ll be traveling to Zermatt specially for this from Interlaken. We’ll have a couple of big bags with us. Is there an option of checking in the luggage somewhere or are there lockers available? We don’t want to take those heavy bags with us to the Igloo.


    1. Hi Sandeep,

      We had 1 small day bag each and left our big bags in the cottage we were staying at. If we remember well, if guests had bigger bags, they could store them at Hotel Riffelberg for free. However, please double check with the Iglu-dorf staff as that might have changed.

      Have a great time there!

  16. Hi Savi and Vid,

    This was probably your first article I ever read and haven’t looked Behind after that! Amazing experience. After reading this, we decided to celebrate our 5th anniversary there! We went to another one a but closer to our place. Shivering but memorable! Thanks for the recommendation! 🙂

    1. Hey Nisha – that’s awesome. So happy to hear you enjoyed your stay in an igloo 🙂 Do send us high resolution photos (if you have any) to bruisedpassports at gmail dot com. We’d love to share them with our readers

      1. Definitely! We were in the other one, not the same, but will still send the pictures. 🙂
        And thanks again for all the inspiration (and beautiful pictures). Such a gorgeous couple!

  17. Hi Vid and Savi
    This post is amazing.
    I am travelling to Mt. Titlis and Zurich next month. Could you please share details about how to get to this place from Zurich?

    1. Hey It’s a bit of a trek from Zurich – you’ll first have to get to Zermatt and from there follow the directions in the article

  18. So enjoy all your travels. We are in our 70’s & have traveled around the world. We would love to experience the iglo.
    Although I’m not fond of the cold!
    Do you have anything on Gimmelwald, Wengen, Lauterbrunnen?
    You both are such a amazing couple!

    1. Thanks for all the love, Karen. We do have a small write-up on Lauterbrunnen, more specifically the ski world cup. Doubt there are any Igloos there though 🙂

      Why don’t you head to Finnish Lapland?

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