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Written by Savi, 13 Comments

We don’t take the task of searching for restaurants for our ‘Fabulous Finds‘ section lightly. That might explain why we’ve visited over 40 countries but written about less than 10 restaurants till date. Only the most special ones make it to our list. But today, we’re talking about an eatery that just might be worthy of being the list-topper.


Enter Chez Vrony, precariously perched on a skiing slope near Zermatt, Switzerland. The converted farmhouse has an overwhelmingly rustic feel about it. It is no stranger to publicity – for years, Chez Vrony has been recommended by the Michelin and the Gault Millau guides. We visited Chez Vrony on a day when Zermatt and the surrounding Alps were hit by a heavy snow storm. We were offered a warm table indoors but we chose to sit outside on the lavish fur-lined chairs – look at this view, can you blame us?


Chez vrony zermatt review
The view of the Alps from our table at Chez Vrony


We chose a table in the corner, right next to the speakers, because they were playing music by one of Savi’s favourite DJs – Bluetech (any other Bluetech fans out there? 🙂 ) How often does one hear one’s favourite tracks playing at a restaurant in the middle of the Alps? Let’s face it – Savi was already in love with Chez Vrony even before we placed our order. Me? I was determined to be objective!


A couple of glasses of Pinot Noir later, we were ready to order. We squabbled over who would order their famous burger. No prizes for guessing who won 😉 Savi went for their famous burger and I opted for Duck, cooked 3 ways. I could write lengthy descriptions about the food but I will say just this – even the music and spectacular views paled in comparison to the food.


The huge burger had a scrumptious beef patty topped with crisp bacon and creamy coleslaw. The patty was succulent and perfectly cooked. For a fussy beef eater like Savi, devouring the massive Chez Vrony burger in no time could only mean one thing – it was sensational. The duck was soft and tender.It was served with courgettes, sweet corn and a rich sauce – a real gastronomic feast on a plate.


Such culinary finesse at an altitude of 2100 mts – we were sold! We’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking 😉


Chez vrony zermatt review
THE Vrony Burger – it was every bit as good as we expected!


Chez vrony zermatt review
Duck Three Ways at Chez Vrony


Chez vrony zermatt review
Good food and good wine make us happy – it’s as simple as that


Chez vrony zermatt review
No meal is complete without an espresso is it?


Chez vrony zermatt Switzerland review
Happy tums, happy people 🙂


You cannot go to Zermatt and NOT eat at Chez Vrony. I know you will forgive us for resorting to hyperbole once you taste their food. Epic doesn’t even begin to describe it – nom, nom, nom!


Want to experience Chez Vrony without flying to Switzerland? Check out our video from Zermatt :-






  • Getting there – Take the metro from Zermatt to Sunnegga. Chez Vrony is 5 minutes away from the Sunnegga Metro Station if you are on skiis and 20 minutes away if you are walking. The walk is a scenic one with lots of gorgeous panoramas on offer
  • A meal including a drink and dessert costs approx. £50/person (as of April ’14)
  • Chez Vrony has been recommended by the Michelin and the Gault Millau guides, so we’re not its only fans. The Vrony burger is one of the most famous items on the menu and it sure lives up to the hype.
  • Make sure you book a table ahead of time as the restaurant can get incredibly busy. Ask for a table on their terrace, which faces the Matterhorn
  • More information on their website



Planning a trip to Zermatt? Make sure you put sleeping in an igloo on the list :-)

Packing for Switzerland? We have a handy guide to packing for Skiing and Winter Sports which will help you !




We were guests of Zermatt Tourism in Switzerland. We are two extremely opinionated ninjas – so all views (good and bad) are entirely our own. Click on to read our full Disclosure Policy.


13 thoughts on “Fabulous Finds – Chez Vrony, Zermatt, Switzerland

  1. Duck is my favourite meat, but I didn’t ever think of making its flesh into a burger, let alone a Michelin Star award winning one. Its mountainside location is the perfect pairing to this culinary experience … perfection on all counts!

    1. Hey James Vid has the Duck fillet. Vrony’s burger is made from beef but it’s unlike any other burger we’d ever tasted before!

  2. I’ll be in Zermatt in about a month, so I’ll be on the lookout for this place. However, it will surely look a bit different without the snow.

    1. Leah it does look VERY different without the snow. I hope you have better luck with spotting the Matterhorn than we did 😉

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